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Custom Made Mattress or Topper

Custom Made Mattress

Deluxe Beds Direct are able to custom make our 5 zone pocket spring system mattresses with our deluxe toppers.  Enjoy a comfortable sleep whether you're on the boat or in the caravan!

Our Deluxe mattress depth including the topper is 330mm for the plush or 300mm for the medium or firm.

Once you supply the measurements, a 3mm CNC cut MDF template is made and fitted to the space to ensure the perfect fit before commencement of the mattress being made. (For orders within 3 hours travel time from Auckland where templates are required).

We are the only custom mattress manufacturer using the 5 zone pocket spring system (rather than a 100% foam mattress).


Custom Made Toppers

Fantastic addition a to a mattress where the factory supplied mattress or squab that is provided is too hard! Our plush topper is 70mm in depth and is custom made to the shape required. Comes with elastic tabs to keep them secure on your mattress or squab.  Available to be shipped nationwide.

"So pleased with my custom made topper for our speedboat squabs - will now stay on the boat for more than one night knowing how comfortable the front cabin is - even had one made for the galley where the table coverts to a bed but the squab was too hard - topper rolls up nicely to be put away through the day!"

Euro Toppers

Ideal for putting on existing squabs where a more permanent solution is required and adding that extra comfort level.  130mm thick.

euro topper

Email us for a quote 

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